
Type of Equipment Requiring Approval:
  • Telecommunications equipment that transmit Radio Frequencies
  • Telecommunications equipment that connects to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
  • Mandatory
Marking Requirements:
  • NOM-NYCE safety mark must be on the product
  • Code provided by Cofetel must be on the product

Regulating Agency:
Normalizacion Y Certificacion
Electronica (NYCE)
Instituto Federal de
Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL)
In Country Test Requirements:
  • Yes, samples mandatory
Local Holder Required:
  • Yes

Mexico Official Standards (NOM) for Telecommunication products
NOM-083-SCT1-2002: Applies to paging equipment, UHF and VHF
NOM-084-SCT1-2002: Technical Specifications for Transmitters intended for specialized radio mobile service of fleets
NOM-088/1-SCT1-2002: Microwave equipment for systems of multi-channel, point to point and point to multipoint fixed service - Part I: Multiple Radio Access
NOM-088/2-SCT1-2002: Microwave equipment for systems of multi-channel, point to point and point to multipoint fixed service - Part II: Transportation NOM-151-SCT1-1999 Interface to public networks for terminal equipment
NOM-152-SCT1-1999: Digital public network interface (Digital interface 2048 kbit/s)
NOM-121-SCT1-2009: Mandatory testing for all radio frequency devices that work within the frequency ranges of:
  • 902 - 928 MHz
  • 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
  • 5725 - 5850 MHz
This includes devices such as Bluetooth and WiFi equipment.